Zapier’s SMS integration is a powerful tool that can be used in a number of ways to respond to situations and conditions. For example, you can send out SMS messages in response to an event that has occurred, or in response to a customer who has contacted you. Additionally, Zapier’s SMS integration can be used to automate tasks that are commonly done on your phone, such as opening text messages and checking email.

Zapier is a great way to get ideas on how to use their SMS services.

1. Receive Zapier SMS Alerts for Google Calendar Entries

But what if there was a way to get ahead of last-minute reminders and still have a meeting or event? What if you could set up an appointment reminder for a specific time and then have the meeting or event take place at that time? This would allow you to be more organized and avoid last-minute cancellations.

Zapier lets you set up a system where you receive an alert ahead of time about upcoming Google Calendar events. This will help you avoid being caught completely off-guard when these events happen.

To use Zapier, you will need to grant Zapier access to your Google Calendar account and connect a phone number through SMS.

2. Receive a Text When You Gain a Twitch Follower

To grow your audience, focus on creating engaging content and building relationships with viewers. This can be done through social media, streaming platforms, and other means. Additionally, consider using Zapier to keep you up-to-date on new developments in your field.

To create a Zap, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Twitch account and click on the “Profile” tab.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and click on the “Zap” button.
  3. Enter your desired message into the text field and click on the “Send” button.
  4. Your message will be sent to your followers immediately!

To connect your Twitch account to Zapier, you will need to create a Zapier account.

3. Receive Notices for Important Emails

If you’re the type to ignore your inbox because it gets full too quickly, Zapier’s built-in email parser can help. If you tell the email parser to monitor for specific keywords that would denote an important message (deadline, assignment, due date, etc.), then you can automatically detect these emails and receive a text alerting you.

This Zap helps you stay on top of your workload no matter how busy you are. It also ensures you don’t miss important emails just because they arrived in your inbox amid a storm of spam.

4. Send a Text When You Upload a Video

When a new video goes live, some content creators or instructors might want to send out a text message to their followers or students to let them know. This can be done by subscribing to the channel, or by sending a text message. ..

SMS by Zapier is great for messaging yourself, but you’ll need to sign up to one of the other messaging services on Zapier to send texts to numbers you don’t own. Each of these services has their own set of guidelines, so make sure to familiarize yourself with them before you start. ..

To send a message to someone on your phone, you will need to create an account with the messaging service of your choice (Twilio is a good place to start), as well as link your YouTube or other video platform account to Zapier. This will allow the messages to go out automatically.

As a side note, you can use this same Zap to monitor specific YouTube channels for new content.

5. Text Your Workout Partner When You Finish a Workout

It can be difficult to stay in shape when you don’t have someone to help you out. If you want to keep yourself accountable to your gym partner, you can do so by linking your workout app to Zapier.

Strava is a great choice for tracking fitness activities. Whether you ride a bicycle or go for a run, you can set up a Zap that monitors Strava and sends off an Zapier SMS when you finish an activity in Strava. This is a great way to keep your gym partner informed and motivate them to keep up.

Zapier SMS Limitations

Second, Zapier doesn’t support voice or video calls.

Verified and fixed numbers are the only ones you can message. Messages are limited to 153 characters. And messages sent to UK numbers will be overridden with a UK number, regardless of the original number. ..

These protections are in place to prevent people from abusing the system and spamming messages to others. However, if you wish to reach out to people that are not on your list, you can do so through one of the other messaging services available on Zapier.