Reasons to Use a Drag and Drop Website Builder
1. Convenience
Once you’ve found the best website creator, it’s all about your schedule. Do you need something updated right away? Do you see a typo that you want to be fixed in the next two minutes? You can make it happen if you’re in charge of your site. While many professionals do their best to make timely changes, they’re still on their schedules. And chances are, they have multiple clients to keep happy. Even the most patient among us knows the urgency of updating a website. And if you hire someone who misses deadlines, you’re faced with either dealing with it and accepting their untimeliness or firing them. You’ll have to find someone else who will keep it up. With a drag-and-drop website builder, this is never an issue. You can log in at any time and make it happen.
2. Cost
Let’s get back to those little changes you need to be made on the fly. The fact is, each one is going to cost you. These fees for updates are on top of the hundreds, potentially thousands, you sank into just getting the site established. It’s easy to stray into four-figure territory annually when employing a web developer. But if you use a service that makes it easy for anyone, you can save up to 90%. In addition, most website creators only charge a flat, low monthly fee in the $20 or less range. It must be said that designers can build features and make changes to particular themes. In that case, it might seem worth the money, but building a website that needs to be maintained by a professional is an investment you can’t renege on. Will you still want to be paying that rate in a year or two?
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3. Connection
When hiring a web pro, you’ll have to trust them with your audience. Understandably, many have doubts. The best person to engage with your audience is you. It’s you, your brand, your services, and your product that they’re after. So, naturally, you’re the best one to present it. Think about it: a web designer is a middleman for your vision. You have to explain it to them, ensure they’re on the same page, and then entrust them with getting that across. When you’re in charge of your site, it’s just you and your audience. You share what you want on your own time, building stronger bonds. Of course, there are advantages to hiring professional developers as well. But many people end up outsourcing only because they doubt their abilities. If that’s the case with you, it’s time to put your finger on the pulse and discover what fantastic new features user-friendly, cost-effective website builders are coming up with.