Here arises the need to use a tool that can fill all the gaps in keyword research, keeping SEO at the forefront. A good solution to the current situation is SEMrush. It is an effective tool to filter profitable keywords for a business and thus optimize a website. You can also sign up for SEMrush for free.

For the best results, you can treat this tool as a vehicle that runs your website/blog and must delve deep into each and every minor activity of the blog. On the whole, it is one of the best blogging tools to expand your blog in an affordable budget with less time and effort.

So, we can define SEMrush as:

Since its inception in 2008, SEMrush has brought transparency in the competition over the web a bit by giving an easy platform that everyone from startups to the established businesses can use. Precisely, it is a complete toolkit that performs every SEO portion of your website without much effort. The keyword is the soul for this online tool, but it can do far better to uplift a business. Ranging from monitoring a website’s performance and resolving its issues, one can also track the social media success of its brand and can also help maintain brand reputation along with adding optimization features into it that can make it easy for the search engine robots to crawl and hence index any domain.

If You Are a Blogger, Profits Are Endless!

In this top-notch competitive world, owning a blog pertaining to your domain is a fair business deal. If you want to bring more traffic, SEMrush is a good choice in terms of rendering you multiple advantages such as:

identifying different trends occurring within your niche, analyzing a range of keywords that suits you, auditing on-page SEO, and checking backlinks plus ranking results.

When it comes to discussing the way SEMrush can be used by the bloggers, there are multifarious areas where it imparts benefits. There is a limited period free trial, after which one can go for a paid membership if he found this software worth to invest money. In terms of ranking and fair web traffic, the first thought is to embed enough SEO tactics that can provide your blog with a relaxing web presence. To achieve the same, elements like links, keywords, and title tags altogether do magical work. But, is this actually the end of your research and promotion. Definitely not. The next phase for a blog owner is to apply rigorous competitive analysis and keyword research. Here, all the popular trends are keenly observed, and the content is planned accordingly so that more readers will approach your website and ultimately grow your reader base. Let’s look at the list of benefits one can get as a blogger-

1. Know More About Your Competitors

A small success mantra for any business is to do better than your niche competitors. To do so, it is important to know what the people indulging in a similar business like yours are doing differently. SEMrush performs this task cleverly by presenting you with a quick view of your competitors, along with a list of keywords on which they are getting traffic. After this study, you can focus on creating content that should target these search terms. It is a fair practice to empathize with the kind of competition in your domain to run longer in your success journey. Read- How to Plan Your Digital Strategy for Success? In general, if a person in front has achieved tremendous success with some set of keywords, there is no harm in adopting them. A step ahead in risk might bring you plenty of growth in the future.

2. Measure Your Success

A smart business strategy says that a site owner must take every step after analyzing all the possible outcomes, including both dangers and growth opportunities. Here, an eagle eye must be kept in parallel to know where you reside in the current graph of the digital marketplace. With SEMrush, you can get an overview of general traffic by simply entering your website URL.

This includes results for both organic and paid channels. You can check if your ranking is going up or degrading down for the set of keywords you opted for. Read- Five Steps to Making a Successful Blog and Make Money The SEMrush overview report can be saved in the PDF format where you can change the dates over a period of time to check your progress on a consistent basis-

The above graph is a representation of the traffic growth of a business for a certain period of time.

3. Find Better Keyword and Ad Options

SEMrush gives a wide platform to create better keyword results for more traffic. Moreover, it gives a swift way to make money on your blog by monetizing it. Google AdWords is a big name that benefits you by providing you a gateway to advertising yourself through ads. SEMrush makes it easy to search for the keywords for which you are ranking and then pick for the list of companies that can pay for the ads related to these keywords. Read- How to Understand Keywords in Searcher Context Let’s look at the below example where CSSChopper has been searched for the paid advertising, and the following result appeared in SEMrush- 

Backlinks are a good source to drive traffic in order to rank at a better place in SERPs. From Google’s perspective, a website with good quality inbound links is the best and eligible for high ranking. Read- Your Ultimate Guide to Getting More Backlinks to Your Website Below is the result display when backlinks of CSSChopper are checked- 

5. Look for Guest Post Opportunities

It is obvious from the previous point that backlinks are quite necessary to improve your website SEO. And most of all, these links must be legitimate. A smart way here is to use guest posts as it is the honest way to build and network your links. As a primary step, you need to look out for a trending topic of your vertical to write an article. For this, you can make a search on Google in the below format-

Your keyword is ‘guest post’ Your keyword is ‘this is a guest post by’

You will get results like this-

The next step is to analyze these sites in SEMrush with an intent to catch the topics for which they are ranking both good and worse. A logic behind doing this is to provide these websites with a good topic in which they can rank well and get backlinks in return when your post is published. Read- Things You Should Remember While Guest Blogging In short, it is a mutual benefit as both of you want to have a strong range of topics to strengthen your website SEO. We encourage you to register for a free trial.


The biggest loss for any business is to have poor keyword ranking that can hamper your SEO factor and, eventually, your web presence as well. In this context, SEMrush can be used optimally to generate intelligent keyword ideas that can foster organic traffic towards your website. With the easy to use pattern, this tool is taking SEO to a different level by making it accessible to all.

What is SEMrush  How It Ensures Blogging Success  - 71What is SEMrush  How It Ensures Blogging Success  - 38What is SEMrush  How It Ensures Blogging Success  - 34What is SEMrush  How It Ensures Blogging Success  - 27What is SEMrush  How It Ensures Blogging Success  - 70What is SEMrush  How It Ensures Blogging Success  - 6