Most employers don’t put a ton of weight on LinkedIn, but if you have a profile, they might look at it. If you don’t, it won’t be a big deal. However, LinkedIn’s greatest value might be the peer-to-peer networking opportunities it facilitates, so your public profile on LinkedIn is important. ..

Public vs. Private LinkedIn Profiles

A public LinkedIn profile is a public view of your profile that anyone can see. This is the view that you would typically see if you’re not part of a network and are just looking for people to know you. A private LinkedIn profile is a private view of your profile that only you can see. This is the view that you would typically see if you are part of a network and want to keep your information private.

You can control how people in your network can access your account and profile, as well as what notifications they will receive.

LinkedIn is all about getting noticed. However, if you’d prefer to browse LinkedIn anonymously, you can do that, too, whether you have a free account or a premium subscription. To use LinkedIn in private mode, first create an account and then sign in. Once you’ve logged in, click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen and select “Private Mode.”

How to View Your LinkedIn Profile as Public

You can view your LinkedIn public profile through a desktop browser or the LinkedIn app. ..

View Your LinkedIn Profile as Public on a Desktop Browser

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account.
  2. Click on the “Profile” tab at the top of the screen.
  3. Under “About Me,” click on “Edit Profile.”
  4. In the “Profile Picture” section, select a photo that represents you best and click on “Upload.”
  5. In the “Summary” section, write a brief description of who you are and what you do. Be sure to include keywords that will help people find your profile when they search for professionals in your field. LinkedIn is a social networking website where professionals can connect with each other and share information about their careers and businesses. To make sure your profile is as professional as possible, follow these steps: Log in to your LinkedIn account, click on the Profile tab at the top of the screen, under About Me, click on Edit Profile, and fill out the Profile Picture section with a photo that represents you best and write a brief Summary about yourself that includes keywords that will help people find your profile when they search for professionals in your field. ..

View Your LinkedIn Profile as Public on the LinkedIn App

Mobile device users can view their LinkedIn profile as public by opening the LinkedIn app and clicking on the “Public Profile” button.

Who Can See Your Contact Info?

LinkedIn is a social networking site that only allows first-degree connections between people. This means that if you have a direct connection with someone on LinkedIn, they can view your contact information, but not your profile.

If you have allowed your contact information to be viewable by second- and third-degree contacts, they will be able to see your name, email address, and company name. However, they will not be able to see any other contact information that you have chosen to keep private. ..

Change Who Can View Your Email Address

LinkedIn offers a few unique options regarding your email address. When you first add your information to the Contact section of your profile, you can choose to have LinkedIn automatically fill in your email address for you or to manually enter it. If you choose to manually enter your email address, you can also choose to have LinkedIn send you an email notification when someone sends you an email with that same name.

  1. Log in to LinkedIn.
  2. Click on your name in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Under “Profile,” click on “Settings.”
  4. On the “Email Settings” page, under “Who can view your email address?” select the options that are best for you. You can choose to allow only people you know to view your email address, or allow anyone who has connected their LinkedIn account with a third-party service (such as Outlook) to view your email address. ..

If you want to keep your connections only visible to you, you can do so by clicking on the “First-degree connections” link in the left sidebar and selecting the “Only visible to me” option. ..

In this section, you can control how easily people can see your profile photo. You can choose to have it show up in all public areas of the site, or only in certain areas.

Notifications to Your Network

LinkedIn notifies your connections about changes you make to your profile only if you add an entry to the Experience section of your profile. By default, LinkedIn will not notify people in your network of your job change. ..

When you add a new role to the Experience section of your LinkedIn profile, make sure to toggle the Notify network switch to the On position. This will let your LinkedIn connections know that you are interested in changes or promotions in your job.

Get Comfortable With LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great way to network and find new opportunities. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your account to a premium level or just need some tips on how to use LinkedIn better, our team can help you out! ..