If you’re using a paywall unblocker, you can see what’s behind it by looking at the source code. Sometimes a simple browser trick might be enough to remove the paywall and read the article, watch the video, etc.

There are two types of paywalls: soft and hard. A soft paywall is one that lets you see some of the content before it blocks the rest, whereas a hard paywall requires payment upfront without a content preview or limited-time access.

The Trump administration is considering a plan to roll back Obama-era environmental regulations. This would be a huge blow to the environment and the economy. If this plan comes to fruition, it would be a huge mistake.

How to bypass paywall on the web In this article, we will discuss some of the ways to bypass paywall on the web. Some of these methods include using a VPN, using a proxy server, and using an online blocker. We will also cover some tips on how to find and use free online reading options. When it comes to bypassing paywall on the web, there are many different ways to do so. One way is by using a VPN service. A VPN encrypts your traffic and sends it through a third party instead of your ISP or government. This allows you to access content that is blocked in your country or region. Another way to bypass paywall is by using a proxy server. Proxies are servers that act as intermediaries between you and the websites you want to visit. They allow you to access content that is blocked in your country or region but keep all of the traffic private. Finally, you can use an online blocker service to prevent any websites from being loaded into your browser until you have approved them with an add-on program.

12 Paywall Unblockers

Some methods to get around a paywall include using a VPN, using an proxy, or trying to access the site from a different country. If you have any questions about how to try these methods, please reach out to our support team.

Bypass Paywalls Firefox Extension

This Firefox extension bypasses the paywall on Bloomberg, Denver Post, the Baltimore Sun, Inc.com, The Herald, and many other sites. Just use the download link at the top of that page to get the file, and then drag it into a Firefox window to install it.

If you’re using an extension that blocks ads on the website, you can disable the ad blocker on that extension and see if the paywall is removed. You can also go into the settings to disable the ad blocker on any of the supported sites.

Look for the Article Elsewhere

How to get around a paywall: A simple way

“Something important to remember when doing a search like this where there are several spaces is to surround the words in quotes like you see above. This will limit the search results but guarantee that what you find is relevant to the article you’re after.”

Try the Unpaywall Chrome Extension

Unpaywall is a Chrome extension that unblocks paywalls on scholarly articles. It scours the internet for free PDF versions of the item and then provides you with a link to find the free version. If you find a paywall blocking your access to an article, Unpaywall will provide you with a link to find a free version that does not have the paywall.

Reset Your Browser Cookies

To bypass a website’s paywall, delete any cookies that are stored on your computer. If the website allows you to view a few articles before blocking access with a paywall, it may be because it is using cookies to track how many pages you have viewed. ..

If you want to continue using the website’s free articles limit, you need to delete your cookies or open the website in incognito mode. ..

How to delete cookies in different browsers: -In Chrome, open the “Settings” menu and click on “Privacy.” -In Opera, open the “Preferences” menu and click on the “Advanced” button. -In Edge, open the “Settings” menu and click on “Advanced.” -In Internet Explorer, open the “Tools” menu and click on “Internet Options.” -In Firefox, open the “Menu” bar and click on the “Options” button. -Under the heading of “Privacy,” select the tab labeled as “(Default)” or “(General).” -Underneath that heading, select the tab labeled as “(Cookies).” -Click on the button labeled as “(Delete Cookies).” ..

Use Outline.com

The Outline tool allows you to annotate web pages with little distractions, but due to how it works, it can be helpful for getting past paywalls.

Delete the Paywall Manually

Some websites use a paywall system where the only thing stopping you from viewing the page is a pop-up. While there isn’t an exit button easily accessible, you can view the page source and remove it manually to reveal the content behind it.

Chrome allows you to inspect the source code of the paywall, and delete it if necessary. ..

If you’re using a paywall that uses JavaScript, you can try using Quick JavaScript Switcher for Chrome to block the script. If those methods don’t work, you can try using a web proxy that strips away scripts.

Stop the Page From Fully Loading

Please pause the page before the paywall can open. If you don’t have luck deleting it or blocking JavaScript, you might be able to interrupt the page from fully loading to stop the paywall pop-up from displaying.

If you want to read my article but don’t want to pay for it, you can try refreshing the page and hitting the Esc key several times right after the content loads.

Dig Through Archive Sites

If you can’t access an article because it’s behind a paywall, you can use archive sites to access it. These sites store web pages and allow you to view them years after they were published. ..

Use a “Read-it-Later” Tool

If you want to read the article but don’t want it to be counted as a read, bookmark it and come back to it later.

This one uses a different approach to caching your visit. Instead of storing the visit on your computer, the page’s contents are sent elsewhere and cached.

Convert the Page to PDF

There are many online converters that can be used to convert a web page into a PDF. One example is Webpagetopdf.com. Simply enter the URL of the paywall page into the text box, and the converter will do its job. Afterward, you can download the PDF to have an always-accessible copy of the article. ..

Look for Login Details

If you’re encountering a paywall on a website that requires a user account, try using a shared login service like BugMeNot. These services often have login details for websites that users can use to bypass the paywall by pretending to be a real user. ..

Sign up for a Free Trial

Another paywall bypass method involves paying for a trial so that you can get around the paywall. If there’s an option to apply for a trial, use it and then cancel the trial before you’re charged. This is definitely a no-brainer, but the reason we bring it up is because it’s still free and will definitely get you past the block.

If you want to try out the new service, but don’t want to pay for it, you can use a virtual payment service like Privacy to make sure the card you use to pay only covers the trial and won’t charge you for the service.