If you’re struggling to focus and get started on tasks, try out some of these apps and tips to fix procrastination. These apps and tips can help you break a bad habit and get started working.

1-3-5 List

When you have a lot of things to do, the best way to manage your time is to make a list and break your tasks down into manageable chunks. ..

The App 1-3-5 List helps you complete a major task, three medium tasks, and five smaller tasks throughout the day. By marking off the tasks as you go, you give your brain an endorphin boost as you complete them.

The 1-2-3 List is a system of task-reward that helps you stay focused and fix procrastination. It is available on almost all browsers, including a Google Chrome extension. ..

Checky (iOS | Android)

That’s why it’s so important that you don’t rely on your phone to stay connected when there is a power outage. If you do, you could be putting yourself and others at risk by not being able to access the internet, call 911, or even get help if needed.

Checking your phone can be a bad habit that can force your brain to shift gears, resulting in more time being wasted. However, Checky can help break the habit by showing you how often you check your phone. This app can help you stay focused and avoid wasting time.


Freedom is a website blocker that will keep you from opening up Facebook or Twitter until a set amount of time has passed.

If you’re concerned about your privacy and want to control when and how you access the internet, there are a few things you can do. You can create custom times of the day when you aren’t allowed access to certain sites, block specific apps, or even completely disable the internet. Freedom, an extension from Google, helps make this process easier by working with other extensions to track time and provide other features. ..


The Pomodoro Technique is a time management technique that uses a timer to help you work on a task for 25 minutes. The idea is to work for a set amount of time and then take a break, or take another 25 minutes. This technique can help you fix procrastination problems by helping you stay focused and motivated.

After that, you take a break for five minutes. After another 25 minute session, break for ten minutes. Then you continue working for another 25 minutes. ..

The timer can be customized to suit your preferences by adding a link to a web page that provides instructions on how to set it up.


Todoist is a great to-do list application that syncs with the web platform so you can access your to-do lists no matter what platform you use. You can set tasks for today, tomorrow, next week, or list them with no date. You can also set recurring tasks, or schedule them to show up only on certain days. ..

Todoist is a great scheduling app that allows you to customize your schedule to the exact date and time. If you have a busy schedule with a lot of different things to do, you can set them all up in Todoist and then organize them by Personal, Shopping, and Work tags.


Habitica is a web and app-based tool that helps to “gamify” good habits and fix procrastination. It provides a set of tools to help you create, track, and manage your good habits. The app also has a built-in tracker for tracking your progress on good habits.

You can set goals and track your to-do lists throughout the day. As you check off things you need to do, you can unlock in-game features like special armor, pets, and even quests. As your avatar grows stronger, you can use it to fight monsters with other players. ..

The gold you earn from defeating these monsters can be used to purchase in-game rewards or a custom reward (self-enforced).


Due is a great reminder app that can help you get back to work. You can set reminders for any task, and add or subtract time from a specific reminder with just a tap. ..

If you don’t mark a reminder as complete, Due will constantly remind you until you do–or until you reschedule them or turn off Auto-Snooze. It’s impossible to ignore Due once it starts going off. If you’re like most people, you procrastinate at a certain time of day. Perhaps after lunch? ..

If you find yourself struggling to stay on top of your to-dos, try Due. It can set a reminder for you before you can fall into a food coma, and it’s available on both iOS and Android devices. ..

Procrastination isn’t just about getting things done. If you wait till the last minute to complete tasks, the quality of your work drops—and the last thing you want is to submit poor-quality work at school or your job. If getting motivated is a problem for you, fix procrastination with these simple apps. ..