Cloud Strife is a complex and engaging character, one that has been refined over the years. His unique edginess and Square Enix’s refinement of the character make him an ultimate example of a Final Fantasy hero. You can see how Cloud Strife has changed over time, with his various elements distilled down into one definitive character.

First Impressions Of Cloud: Final Fantasy VII, 1997

Cloud Strife is a playable character in the PSOne release of Final Fantasy VII. The short, stocky sprite left much of the character to the imagination, although the character art included in the manual and on the box gave fans a better idea of what Cloud actually looked like. ..

In the new game, Cloud is depicted with a new weapon, the Crossblade. The Crossblade is a two-handed sword that can be used in both slashing and thrusting motions. It has a long, curved blade and is colored black with silver accents. Cloud’s hair is shorter and spiky, and he wears the uniform for an SOLDIER 2nd Class: blue combat boots, a belt, and green pants and shirt. His other trademark accessory is a single pauldron on his left shoulder—a variation on the typical uniform. ..

According to recent information, Cloud Strife is 5'8", blue-eyed, and right-handed. His birthday is August 11, 1986. ..

Cloud Strife is a playable character in the video game Final Fantasy V. He is a mercenary who joins the party after being saved by Tidus and Yuna from an attack by the Dark Lord, Seymour. Cloud is a skilled fighter and has a powerful magic ability called “Aura.”

Final Fantasy Tactics

Final Fantasy Tactics features Cloud Strife as an optional character, who can be recruited at any time. However, many players didn’t discover his inclusion until later.

Cloud Strife is an optional character in the game, and does not have any major story moments. His artwork is slightly different than in Final Fantasy VII, but only in small details; for example, he wears a black turtleneck rather than the standard SOLDIER uniform.

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

Cloud has also changed his name to Sephiroth.

Cloud Strife retains his signature weapon, the Buster Sword, but replaces it with a set of six Fusion Swords. His hair has lost some of its spikiness, as well. His personality remains unchanged, though he has grown a bit more brooding due to the events surrounding the story. ..

Kingdom Hearts

Cloud Strife undergoes another major appearance change in Kingdom Hearts. This time, his outfits more closely resemble the costume Vincent wears from Final Fantasy VII. ..

Cloud wears a standard SOLDIER 1st Class uniform, complete with his left pauldron and red cape. He has also added a black wing that protrudes from his left shoulder.

Cloud’s goals in Kingdom Hearts are different from those in the other Disney movies. However, he still tries to defeat Sephiroth. The black wing is a reflection of this goal and serves as a hint at his ties to the character.

Kingdom Hearts is a different game series than Final Fantasy, with only a shared name and appearance. As anyone who has played the Kingdom Hearts series knows, explaining the story would take a dissertation—but needless to say, the events of the series do not reflect on the events of the Final Fantasy series. ..

Final Fantasy VII Remake

The remake has been praised for its graphics, story, and gameplay. It has also been met with mixed reactions from fans of the original game. Some people are happy with the changes made, while others feel that they were not necessary.

The game, “Final Fantasy VII Remake,” is largely a faithful recreation of the original game. Cloud, the titular character, remains largely unchanged from his original incarnation. The game’s backstory and many of the other characters’ relationships are explored more in depth than in the original game. ..

Final Fantasy VII Remake’s improved graphics make it easier to see small details about Cloud’s appearance, such as the left shoulder pauldron that has always been shown with what looks like bolts coming out. However, their purpose in the remake makes more sense: to catch a blade and hold it there. ..

Cloud Strife’s dry hit and sense of humor comes through much better in the new game, too. Just the way he interacts with Barrett alone is reason enough to play through it. If you’ve never experienced Final Fantasy VII for yourself, it’s definitely worth playing the original—and then buying the remake to try for yourself.

Other Appearances

Cloud Strife is a character in many video games, including the three listed above. He has appeared in spin-offs of Final Fantasy VII, as well as other better-known games.

Final Fantasy XIV’s Cloud’s iconic look has even shown up in games like Final Fantasy XIV as a reward for subscribers. It doesn’t give any noteworthy stats, but it does look cool.

Cloud Strife is a popular character in the video game industry for a reason. He’s well-written and has a lot of personality, which makes him an interesting subject for writing.