Mendeley is a free online tool that can help researchers organize and manage their research papers. It makes it easy to find and share research materials with others, and can help researchers track their progress and improve their research skills. ..

What Is Mendeley Desktop?

Mendeley Desktop is a desktop application that helps you conduct research. It’s separate from the web interface or the mobile applications.

Mendeley is a powerful tool for managing your research. The Mendeley mobile applications are an important part of the overall system, and the cloud service is the glue that ties it all together. We’ll touch on these other components of the overall service as well, but the main topic at hand is the desktop application. ..

Mendeley: Free vs Premium

Mendeley, a popular online journaling and note-taking service, has recently revamped their services. The free version of Mendeley still offers some features that the premium service does not, but the main difference between the two is the amount of storage you get. Free users get two gigabytes of cloud storage while premium users get ever-increasing amounts depending on how much they pay. ..

The premium version of the research software has the ability to create five private groups with up to 25 collaborators. This is likely a feature exclusive to the premium version, as independent researchers or students would not be able to afford it.

Mendeley is a great platform for large collaboration groups or for storing large amounts of data. Make sure to check with your institution before you pay yourself.

The First Step: Ingesting Sources

Mendeley Desktop is a reference management tool that can be tedious to enter the details of every source. It has some neat tools to help speed up the process.

Mendeley Desktop watches all PDFs that you copy into the “PDF Files” folder on your hard drive. If you want to view any of these PDFs, just select them from the “Watch Folder” on Mendeley Desktop.

Mendeley will attempt to extract the most accurate information from the document automatically, even if it has different formats. You need to make sure that the information is correct, but this will save time in the long run.

If you need to enter a source manually, you can sometimes get away with just typing in the title and then marking the source as “needing review.” Mendeley will then check the title against Google Scholar, and automatically fill in all the information if it finds a match.

Mendeley can be a great way to organize your research, but it can be difficult to keep track of which sources are used in which papers or projects. To make sure you’re using the best sources, create custom lists for each project or paper. ..

Annotations & Notes

After you’ve loaded a new research paper into your Mendeley database, you can highlight important pieces of text and leave notes for yourself and for team members. ..

This is a critical feature for anyone doing academic research. As you do your research, hundreds of sources can pile up. It’s important to highlight all the parts relevant to your own paper and keep an organized track of your thoughts at the time, while reading the research of others.

The Best Part of Mendeley Desktop Is Automated Citation

Mendeley Desktop is a great tool for automating citations and bibliographies. ..

Mendeley is a great tool for keeping track of your sources and making sure you cite them correctly when writing papers. You can use Mendeley Desktop’s plugins to insert citations as you write, which will help you stay accurate and compliant with academic standards. ..

When you’re done writing your piece, you can click a single button to automatically generate a list of sources in the correct academic citation format.

This is a great feature for shorter papers, but if you’re writing a full thesis or research paper with hundreds of sources, it can feel like the best thing ever created. ..

Mendeley Is Great For Teams 

Mendeley Desktop is great for students who are working on research projects independently or academics who write and publish alone, but these days it’s becoming more popular to co-publish with other academics. “Publish or perish” is the mentality after all. ..

Mendeley is a great tool for collaborating on research. It allows people to share annotations and other information, which makes the research process faster and more efficient. Additionally, by learning from others in the team, you can become more experienced and knowledgeable about the topic you’re researching. ..

Mendeley Can Help You Find Important Papers

Mendeley is a powerful tool that can help you stay up-to-date with the latest research. Mendeley Suggest uses your personal profile and a system that monitors which papers are being read and cited the most, to make suggestions to you when it comes to your reading list.

Mendeley Suggest is a great tool to help you find articles that have a significant impact in your field. It’s a huge leap ahead over the old style of doing a literature review. Of course, you shouldn’t rely on something like Mendeley Suggest by itself. ..

The Most Essential Research Tool In Your Arsenal

Mendeley is a popular software that makes research and academic writing easier. It takes a lot of the tedious work out of writing, making you more productive and motivated. ..

The automation of research writing can give you a sense of excitement about your work, instead of dreading it. This is far more than half the battle.